Friday, 17 April 2020


 Two cards I've made today for a lovely elderly lady to give to her Granddaughters. With the lock down she can't get out to the shops. I for one will not let her go without cards for her family. Just because she is a lovely lady....

This one took ages to cut out a hour and half to be honest. but it is such a beautiful card when its finished.

this one only took an hour to cut out as there wasnt' as much stuff to be put on.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

First time using a 10x7 card so I had to enlarge the design to fit it.  I've made it for a friends daughter who sometimes calls me her second Mum which does mean the world to me as I couldnt' have children due to heart condition.

I love this image as it is so stylish just hope Emily loves it as much as I do. 

well my new stamp has arrived from Pink Ink Desgin so I am off to play.

I really don't know if anyone looks at my blog anymore or not but its ok I dont' mind as I'm no way as good as some people who blog 

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Well we are still in lock down and had a request for some cards two for a lovely lady. One for my lovely mum and one for a friend whos son forgot his Fiancee's 21st lol not bad.

Well I hope you like them 

 This is the blue one a Janet Briggs desgin I love it..
This is one for a 30 year old from Madge.

This is another one for Madge for her 20 year old Granddaughter.

 Made this for my Mum as she doesn't like square cards so this is the one for her cousin Evelyn in Kirkcaldy Scotland

this is the card I've made for my godson as he forgot his Fiancees 21st not a clever thing to do or she would kill him lol

As she loves pink and flowers thought this was just right for her..

Finally the card I made for my godsons fiancee's 21st boy I picked the right colour as she loves pink and made this before I realised she did.

Lets hope she has a lovely birthday even though we are on lockdown, and she can't really celebrate Happy 21st Alissha