Thursday, 4 July 2013

Hello and welcome to my new blog.

4th July 2013

I have a GREAT announcement to make :) I have made it onto a Design Team for a company Its called Through The Purple Haze Challenges. 
I am new to all this so its all a new experience for me...

Here are the rest of the team, if you click on their link it will take you to their pages..

Deb Mitchell
Tanja Charles
Darcy Schroeder
Vick McClean
 Lynne Donnachie
Zoe Morton
Eithne Rainsford
Teresa McKittrick

You will find these lovely ladies creations on the blog which has it first challenge on Monday 15 July 2013
We have a great line up of sponsors for 2013/2014 and more are joining us all the time.

So come along and join in the fun and our 100th member will receive a gift especially from Anita.


  1. Yay Jacqui has a blog, so happy for u to be part of the dt :) Welcome to the DT and the world of blogging

    1. all thanks to you for all your hard work with me xxx

  2. Awesome, Jacqui! You have a blog and it is a great one! I tweak mine all the time (kind of like are never fully done or happy with it...LOL) You will be a pro at this in no time.

  3. Well done my friend so glad for you!

  4. well done you! and welcome! great to have you on board

    Here's to much fun lol

    Through the Purple Haze Challenges


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