I have just been accepted onto the JIC Monthly Design Team to which I am extremely happy about so here is my first challenge for them.
It is for the October Halloween or Pink and I decided to go with Pink.
I used A4 cream pearl card scored in half to make the A5 card I used spellbinder die to make the middle design using cream card from stock I put pink behind it to show through the design. I used pink flowers that are the waste from my flower border tonic punch. I them placed my image on top I used a pink ribbon and silver peel offs.
Colours used were all promarkers. Skin tone Ivory, Hair, Eyes and Eyebrows Tan, Lips Blossom. Hat Fushia Pink and the band Baby Pink. Top Pink Carnation, Trousers Rose Pink Boots cool Grey two and three heels cool grey 4...
Please find below the JIC blog and Kate's blog as well
Hi Jacqui! What a fabulous card! I love it!